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How To Guides: Write a Cover Letter


Meet Sara

Meet Sara. She's in Year 10 at St Pat's

She is looking for a part-time job and she has written her Resume.

She's seen a job advertised that she would like to apply for but she needs to write a cover letter.

Sara is not really sure what a cover letter is, or how it is different from her Resume.

So let's help her figure it out.

How to write a cover letter

What not to include in your cover ltter

There are some things that should never be in your cover letter.  Here are some things to watch out for.

Typos / Mistakes

Always spellcheck your cover letter. It's even better to get someone else to read it and point out any mistakes or confusing things. Double-check everything in your cover letter. If you mention a company's name, make sure you spell it right.

Don't include your whole resume in your cover letter

Don't cut and paste your resume into your cover letter. Try to re-word the information in your resume, rather than just repeating it. Keep your cover letter short and let your resume tell the whole story.

Don't Use 'I' too much

Try not to over use phrases like ‘I believe’, ‘I have’ and ‘I am’. Remember, it’s not about you – it’s about how you can help the employer.

Don't mention any other job applications

You're probably applying for more than one job at a time. However, it’s best not to mention other job applications. Your letter should aim to convince the employer that you really want this job.



Writing a cover letter for resume can be a tricky thing if you're not exactly sure what to do and how to approach it. Check out our cover letter tips video to make sure you are doing what's important for you to get the job interview.

What is a cover letter?

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a single-page letter that you include

with your job application.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself,

show that your skills and experience match

the skills and experience needed to do the job

and encourage the employer to go on and read your resume.

Quick tips to level up your cover letter

Keep it short.

A cover letter is meant to be a summary of your resume, so don’t write more than one page.

Use a different cover letter for each job you apply for.

Your cover letter needs to show that you know what the job involves, and what the employer is looking for.

Essential skills.

If you're answering a job advertisement, there may be a position description that lists essential skills and experiences. It may also have a list of ‘desirable’ skills and experience. Your cover letter needs to respond to all of the items on the ‘essential’ list. You should also respond to as many items as you can on the ‘desirable’ list.

Example Cover Letter

Here is an example of a Cover Letter for Sara.


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Green Chameleon. (2015, June 11). Designer sketching wireframes [Photograph]. Unsplash.

The Interview Guys. (2013, September 5). How To Write A Cover Letter - Top 5 Cover Letter Tips [Video]. YouTube.

Youth Central. (2018, December 18). How to write a cover letter.