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How To Guides: Write a Resume


Meet Sara

Meet Sara. She's in Year 10 at St Pat's

She wants to start looking for a part-time job.

She will need a Resume, but she doesn't have any work experience.

She's not sure what infiormation to include and what it should look like.

Let's help Sara figure it out.

Even though she has no work experience she can still create a good Resume.

How to Write a Resume While You're in High School

Wright Learning

Run Time: 5:58 mins


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How to write your Resume

Example Resume

This is one example of how you can format your Resume.

It's up to you whether you want to include a photo.

To find more Resume templates search for 'High School Student Resume' in Canva.



Art of Smart. (n.d.). How to write your first resume.

Wright Learning. (2019, May 22). Mentor/SEL Teaching - How to Write a Resume While You're in High School - Wright Learning [Video]. YouTube.