To find ebooks from OneSearch, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Select Books & Media + from the top.
  2. Keywords search is the default setting in OneSearch. You can change it to title search, author search, ISBN search etc.
  3. Input search terms here and press on the SEARCH button.

  4. Show results with eBooks only by clicking on filters of Books and Full Text Online
  5. Access the full-text online via the link provided. Login with your NetID and NetPassword if you are accessing ebooks off-campus.
  6. Limit the range of publication date here if you wish.

To find print books from OneSearch, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Select Books & Media + from the top.
  2. Keywords search is the default setting in OneSearch. You can change it to title search, author search, ISBN search etc.
  3. Input search terms here and press on the SEARCH button.

  4. Show results with print books only by clicking on filters of Books and Physical items
  5. Click on the link to check the availability.
  6. Check the book location by clicking on LOCATION. You can then pick up the book from the shelves with the call number.
  7. Limit the range of publication date here if you wish. 

To find journal articles from OneSearch, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Select Articles from the top.
  2. Keywords search is the default setting in OneSearch. You can change it to title search, author search, ISSN search etc.
  3. By default, only articles with full-text online will be shown in the result list. You can uncheck this box to show articles without full-text if you wish.
  4. Input search terms here and press on the SEARCH button.

  5. Access the full-text online via the links provided. Login with your NetID and NetPassword if you are accessing articles off-campus.
  6. Click on Peer-reviewed Journals filter to limit the result to articles from peer-reviewed journals only if you wish.
  7. Limit the range of publication date here if you wish.

You can also access library subscribed articles via Google Scholar@     PolyU. Click here for more information.

To find newspaper articles from OneSearch, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Click on OneSearch.
  2. Select NEWSPAPERS from the top.
  3. Input search terms and press on the magnifier to search.

  4. Access the full-text online via the link provided. Login with your NetID and NetPassword if you are accessing articles off-campus.
  5. Limit the range of publication date here if you wish.

You can also access newspaper articles via our newpapers databases here.

To find audio visual materials from OneSearch, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Select Books & Media + from the top.
  2. Keywords search is the default setting in OneSearch. You can change it to title search, author search, etc.
  3. Input search terms here and press on the SEARCH button.

  4. Show results with audio visual materials only by clicking on filters of Audio Visual
  5. For videos available online, access via the Online access link provided.
  6. For physical items, click on the link to check the loan policy and availability.
  7. Check the location by clicking on LOCATION. You can then pick up the material from the shelves with the call number.

You can also access more audio and visual materials via our Video on Demand collection and Online Audio Libraries.